Learn about the warning signs of dyslexia in preschool, elementary school, and high school.

The International Dyslexia Association is a great place to start. Here you can learn all about dyslexia, take a self-assessment test, find local branches near you, get lists of helpful books, newsletters, and videos, and much more.

You can learn all about it at the Barton Reading & Spelling System website, including what it is and why it works so well, along with 15 independent studies from public and private schools across the nation that prove its effectiveness.

It is never too early or too late to help your child find success with reading and in school. However, if you have concerns, early intervention is critical to reading success.

Susan Hall, co-author of Straight Talk About Reading has this to say:

Reading researchers say the ideal window of opportunity for addressing reading difficulties is during kindergarten and first grade. The National Institutes of Health state that 95 percent of poor readers can be brought up to grade level if they receive effective help early.

While it is still possible to help an older child with reading, those beyond third grade require much more intensive help.

The longer you wait to get help for a child with reading difficulties, the harder it will be for that child to catch up. If help is given in fourth grade (rather than in late kindergarten), it takes four times as long to improve the same skills by the same amount.

After scheduling an appointment, please provide progress reports for any reading intervention used to date.

Please also provide copies of SST’s, 504’s and IEP reports, if applicable to your child. Teacher report card comments and a writing sample from your child are also insightful. These reports will help create a meaningful picture of your child.

Finally, please also complete the forms found on the New Clients page.

After reviewing reports and meeting with you, Julie will be able to determine how best to help your child. If tutoring using the Barton Reading & Spelling System seems the most appropriate approach, she will recommend the frequency and intensity of tutoring to ensure success for your child.

Intervention should be continued until your child is reading fluently at their grade level.

From the Barton website:

Since no two people with dyslexia learn at exactly the same pace, we can only provide a range.

If a student has classic, or moderate, dyslexia, and is tutored twice a week in a one-on-one setting for an hour each time, it will take from 2 to 3 years to complete the entire Barton System. So in just 2 to 3 years, you can take a struggling student to the mid-ninth-grade level in reading, spelling, and basic writing.

Students with mild dyslexia may complete the system a bit faster, while students with more severe dyslexia may need 4 to 5 years.

The only way a student can make faster progress is to be tutored more often. If a child can be tutored 3 or 4 times a week, they’ll complete the Barton System much faster.

No. Julie is unable to bill insurance companies.  Payment is due at the time services are provided or on a monthly basis.

Unfortunately, at this time most insurance companies do not typically reimburse for services considered to be “educationally-based” such as academic remediation. Therefore, Barton Reading & Spelling services are not generally covered.

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