How it Works

Children do not outgrow dyslexia. However, current research shows that direct intense simultaneous multisensory instruction results in the most favorable outcomes for students with dyslexia. The Barton Reading & Spelling system is one such program approved by California Department of Education.

Simultaneous Multisensory Instruction

Research has shown that dyslexic people who use all of their senses when they learn (visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic) are better able to store and retrieve the information. So a beginning dyslexic student might see the letter A, say its name and sound, and write it in the air—all at the same time.

Intense Instruction with Ample Practice

Instruction for dyslexic students must be much more intense, and offer much more practice, than for regular readers.

Direct, Explicit Instruction

Dyslexic students do not intuit anything about written language. So, you must teach them, directly and explicitly, each and every rule that governs our written words. And you must teach one rule at a time, and practice it until it is stable in both reading and spelling, before introducing a new rule.

Synthetic & Analytic

Dyslexic students must be taught both how to take the individual letters or sounds and put them together to form a word (synthetic), as well as how to look at a long word and break it into smaller pieces (analytic). Both synthetic and analytic phonics must be taught all the time.

Diagnostic Teaching

The teacher must continuously assess their student’s understanding of, and ability to apply, the rules. The teacher must ensure the student isn’t simply recognizing a pattern and blindly applying it. And when confusion of a previously-taught rule is discovered, it must be retaught.